Launching You
to the Sky
MachineTek’s Precision Honeycomb Fabrication
is shaping the future of aerospace.
Services Offered
Your Honeycomb solution starts here
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Honeycomb Fabrication
5-axis CNC router, a large oven, CMM inspection equipment, climate-controlled lay-up and fabrication areas, coremat and heat forming capabilities... everything necessary to produce honeycomb core details accurately and efficiently.

Every finished core component is inspected to ensure product conformance. Inspection methods range from CMM digital point capture to analog methods involving mylars and/or conventional measuring and test equipment.

Engineering Support
Engineering support services, utilizing a wide range of CAD and CAM software, are available to assist our customers transform their designs into honeycomb core details ready for composite lay-up.

Bonded Panel and Foam Core Machining
Precision 3 and 5-axis machining of aerospace foam core materials as well as aluminum, phenolic, and carbon fiber bonded panels.

MachineTek has achieved the rigorous quality management
standard for the aerospace industry, AS9100 (Rev D)
our Clients